Leading the way forward in Responsible Investing.

“Our mission is to create a leading organization with a long-lasting culture of responsible investing, working with like-minded partners, combining financial success with positive impact.”
Alok Oberoi, Executive Chairman, Everstone

Our Commitment
We are investment managers. We act as fiduciaries to our investors. We focus on delivering best-in-class risk-adjusted returns. We adopt a highly institutionalized yet operationally intensive, hands-on execution approach. We are committed to lead the adoption and implementation of globally recognized standards for Environmental, Social and Governance.
In addition to delivering financial returns, each of our investment strategies encompasses and addresses specific developmental needs in the markets where we invest.
In Private Equity, our control-oriented, growth investing focus with high operational involvement creates jobs and furthers economic development. Incrementally, we promote diversity and gender inclusivity and guide management teams in adopting sustainable practices and addressing climate change.
In Climate Impact, we invest across renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, e-mobility, resource conservation and associated value chains, contributing directly to a sustainable environment through a low carbon economy, pollution prevention and resource conservation.
In Logistics and Digital, we lead, develop and manage world-class logistics and industrial infrastructure that is transforming and bringing greater efficiencies to these important sectors. Our Data Centre platforms develop high quality digital infrastructure to accelerate digitalization in the markets that we invest in.
In Venture investing, we fuel the aspirations of young entrepreneurs and drive innovation.
Our Approach
We perform extensive ESG screenings and due diligence before investing. Every investment has a clear and defined commitment towards sustainability. Our investment methodology incorporates diverse parameters and is executed in a phased manner, with various checkpoints for ESG-related risk identification and management and proactive social and/or environmental Impact creation.

We focus on the drivers that encompass significant social, economic, political, environmental, and technological changes in the world; these have a major impact on business and society today and for decades to come. We perform extensive ESG screenings and due diligence before investing. Every investment has a clear and defined commitment towards responsible investing. Our investment methodology incorporates diverse parameters and is executed in a phased manner, with various checkpoints for ESG-related risk identification and management.

Sustainable Development Goals
Our investments generate positive, measurable social and/or environmental impact (alongside financial returns). Our control-oriented growth strategy, geographic and sectoral focus, and focus on implementing best-in-class responsible investing practices contribute to meaningful positive environmental and social outcomes. We have an impact thesis for each of our businesses focusing on five key themes.

Frameworks and Memberships
We have a Responsible Investing Committee (RIC) chaired by our Executive Chairman and championed by a strong senior leadership team. It combines diversity of experience from investment, operating, ESG and investor perspectives and sets the framework for driving the agenda on Responsible Investing. The RIC governs and guides full-time functional ESG specialists within our various businesses. In addition to a periodic review of material ESG and sustainability matters pertaining to the portfolio (and potential investments under review), the RIC ensures our policies are periodically reviewed and updated to incorporate global best practices. We recognize both climatic risks and opportunities. Our strategy is to help accelerate the shift to a more sustainable, low-carbon future. We align our investments with the goals of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and India’s Nationally Determined Contributions among others, which will help set the world on a path to achieving carbon neutral by 2050. We are committed to strengthening and deepening the integration of ESG and Sustainability throughout the firm.
Great Place to Work
We strive to make Everstone a great place to work. We enhance the capabilities of our talent through targeted training. We encourage participation in leading industry conferences. We seek to raise awareness in our talent about our commitment to Responsible Investing. We regularly share legal and regulatory updates with our talent and sensitize them to existing and new compliance requirements. We conduct annual trainings for all employees on the prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment.
We ensure that our talent feels valued, respected and accepted for who they are across gender, race, ethnicity, disabilities, sexual orientation and beyond; thus, making us intrinsically stronger and proud. We take a holistic view on diversity, equity and inclusion, both within the Firm and in our investments. We have a diverse, trained workforce empowered by fair, pragmatic workplace policies. We actively promote diversity and inclusion. We have accelerated the share of senior female professionals at the Firm through the combination of targeted recruitment and development.

Great Place to Work
We strive to make Everstone a great place to work. We enhance the capabilities of our talent through targeted training. We encourage participation in leading industry conferences. We seek to raise awareness in our talent about our commitment to Responsible Investing. We regularly share legal and regulatory updates with our talent and sensitize them to existing and new compliance requirements. We conduct annual trainings for all employees on the prevention of discrimination and sexual harassment.
We ensure that our talent feels valued, respected and accepted for who they are across gender, race, ethnicity, disabilities, sexual orientation and beyond; thus, making us intrinsically stronger and proud. We take a holistic view on diversity, equity and inclusion, both within the Firm and in our investments. We have a diverse, trained workforce empowered by fair, pragmatic workplace policies. We actively promote diversity and inclusion. We have accelerated the share of senior female professionals at the Firm through the combination of targeted recruitment and development.
Sustainability Resources & Reports
Responsible Investment Policy
Our Responsible Investment Policy articulates our approach to integrating the consideration of ESG risks and potential Impact-creation opportunities into investment processes.
Sustainability Reports
We publish annual sustainability reports that reflect our evolution as an institutionalized investor. The report captures the deepening of our commitment to responsible investing, our talent, and our communities. It contains: our responsible investment strategy, our work with stakeholders, our governance, and summary tables of KPIs.
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